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MessagePosté: 29 Aoû 2013, 22:03 
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Inscription: 15 Juin 2007, 16:30
Messages: 1297
Oui je sais comme l'a dit Archie Cash on peut reprocher pas mal de chose à ce bon vieux Laurence A. Moran, mais il faut reconnaitre une chose chez ces dernier, sa saine prise de distance avec «La Psychologie Évolutionniste»! C'est en fouillant les archives du blog «Sandwalk» de Laurence A. Moran que j’ai appris qu’un psychologue évolutionniste répondant au nom de Gad Saad avait posté dans le flux de commentaire d’un des articles de Larry Moran, une liste des meilleures contributions en termes de connaissances de la psychologie évolutionniste. Larry Moran n’a pas pu s’empêcher de recopier l’intégralité de la liste proposée par Gad Saad, liste que je retranscris moi-même ici car ça vaut vraiment le détour!

Gad Saad a écrit:
1. Women alter their preferences for the facial features of men as a function of where they are in their menstrual cycles. When maximally fertile, they prefer men possessing markers of high testosterone.

2. Babies display an immediate instinctual preference for symmetric faces (at an age that precedes the capacity for socialization).

3. Children who suffer from congenital adrenal hyperplasia display a reversal in their toy preferences. Furthermore, using inter-species comparisons, vervet monkeys display the same sex-specific patterns of play/toy preferences as human infants. This suggests that contrary to the argument made by social constructivists, play has an evolved biological basis.

4. Individuals who score high on an empathy scale are more likely to succumb to the contagion effects of yawning. This is indicative that this particular contagion might be linked to mimicry and/or Theory of Mind.

5. How provocatively a woman dresses is highly correlated to her menstrual cycle (a form of sexual signaling found across countless Mammalian species).

6. Culinary traditions are adaptations to local niches. For example, the extent to which a culture utilizes meat versus vegetables, spices, or salt is a cultural adaptation (this is what behavioral ecologists study).

7. Maternal grandmothers and paternal grandfathers invest the most and the least respectively in their grandchildren. Whereas all four grandparents have a genetic relatedness coefficient of 0.25 with their grandchildren, they do not all carry the same level of "parental uncertainty." In the case of maternal grandmothers, there is no uncertainty whereas in the case of the paternal grandfather, there are two sources of uncertainty. This last fact drives the differential pattern of investment in the grandchildren.

8. Good male dancers are symmetric (paper published in Nature). One would expect that some behavioral traits might correlate with phenotypic quality as honest signals of an individual's desirability on the mating market.

9. Self-preference for perfumes is linked to one's immunogenetic profile (Major Histocompatibility Complex).

10. When a baby is born, most family members (especially those of the mother) are likely to state that the baby looks like the father. This phenomenon is found in countless cultures despite the fact that it is objectively impossible to make such a claim of resemblance. The reason for this universally found cultural tradition lies in the need to assuage the fears of paternity uncertainty.

11. Environmental stressors (e.g., father absence) and the onset of menarche (first menses) have been shown to be highly linked. In numerous species, the likelihood of a female becoming reproductively viable is affected by environmental contingencies.

12. Women are less receptive to mandatory hospital DNA paternity testing (for obvious reasons). In other words, their willingness to adopt a new product/service is fully driven by an evolutionary-based calculus.

13. Women can smell the most symmetric men. In other words, women have the capacity to identify men who possess the best phenotypic quality simply via their nose. This is what I have referred to as sensorial convergence.

14. Using fMRI, the exposure to ecologically-relevant stimuli (e.g., beautiful faces) yields distinct neural activation patterns in men and women.

15. In choosing a mate, humans tend to prefer the smell of others that are maximally dissimilar to them along the MHC. This ensures that offspring possess a greater "defensive coverage" in terms of their immunological system.

Notez la contribution stipulant que les femmes pourraient sentir avec leur nez les hommes les plus symétriques bordel j’adore la psychologie évolutionniste! :mrgreen:

MessagePosté: 30 Aoû 2013, 00:08 
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Inscription: 25 Jan 2005, 00:24
Messages: 7403
2. Babies display an immediate instinctual preference for symmetric faces (at an age that precedes the capacity for socialization).

Oui, j'ai vérifié avec les miens. Tous mes enfants lorsqu'ils étaient en bas âge préféraient ceci:
... aux dissymétriques humains leur faisant de stupides guiliguilis ou des grimaces. :D

"Je veux qu'on me prenne pour un con car j'en suis un, qu'on me parle simplement pour que je capte bien car je suis idiot: si on me regarde et qu'on me parle sans égards, c'est déjà me considérer à peu près normal et pas uniquement comme un handicapé physique ou un déficient mental."

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